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5 tips to build a STUDYING HABIT


Anchor your studying habit to an already existing one. Example to follow: Lots of people start their day with a morning coffee or glass of milk. Sit down on your study table as you drink you cup of coffee and start reading some theory or yesterday's notes.

Be Realistic

If your mornings are full of chaos due to classes or other personal stuff, recognise that and design an anchoring system (i.e., a time table for studying) at a good time in the afternoon or evening.


Want to stick to a habit? Repetition is key is to shifting a new habit from something you have to think about, to something you do as automatically as brushing your teeth.

Something >>> Nothing

No matter how realistic you are in planning, you may still miss your schedule sometimes. In those days, don't get disheartened. Come back the next day with a positive attitude. If you do not wish to let the day go by, try to squeeze in a 10-minute session to revise your notes.

Make it Rewarding

When you are able to achieve your goals for the day, give yourself a treat. Go out to eat something you like or play a game with friends.

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